Product Creation Story
An idea!
The idea came to me one night in the summer of 2017. I used to wash my hair at night and go to bed with my damp hair twisted into a microfiber turban. This was my go to method for stying my hair... especially in the summer because I never felt like using heat on my hair. This was partly because I try to keep my hair healthy, but also (if I'm honest) because I'm lazy when it comes to my hair!
I literally thought of this as I was going to sleep that night.
So, first thing in the morning I mocked up a prototype using a headband and paper strips. This photo was taken that morning on my kitchen table which is where a lot of great ideas are born.
This is a picture of me demonstrating the concept to my husband and kids. They weren't as excited about it as I was, but they have certainly come along for this crazy ride.
I designed Octocurl (although back then it didn't have a name) with styling options in mind because traditional curlers lack versatility. These are some of the types of curls and waves I had in mind when envisioning Octocurl's methods and use.

My mind was filled with ideas for how to use the strips to curl, wrap, bend, twist, & braid the hair into different shapes.
And that brings us to Part 2 of this story which was the product testing. I had prototypes made by a seamstress in my town and played with styling methods all summer! Photos here -->